Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Product Design
Someone once told me that if I chose product design, I could be whatever I wanted in life. When I review on my three years at Raffles Millennium International Bangalore, India and Raffles College of Higher Education, Singapore, the phrase “a big roller-coaster ride” represents the experience perfectly. Raffles has not only made me a better designer but has also prepared me in unpredictable ways for my career. Thanks to the lecturers and the workshops with incredibly supportive classmates, I discovered the voice I did not know I had. That voice has helped me in my design skills and creative imagination.

Having been shaped by two different colleges and cultures (in India and Singapore), I found myself able to communicate, innovate, and collaborate in ways that enabled me to build a personality as a designer. My lecturers from Bangalore and Singapore Raffles tutored and nurtured me well to find myself a good career out of the this programme.