
Top creative and design institution in Indonesia

JAKARTA – Raffles Indonesia was recently featured by Thailand News Network TNN 24, (an award-winning news channel) in their first edition highlighting a new program called ASEAN Business.

This program focuses on topics encompassing development, movement, business and social interest in the ASEAN region. This year TNN24 will emphasize and focus on the digital economy and how it drives towards economic growth. Raffles Indonesia was selected as the top creative and design institution which produces industrial ready talents for Indonesia’s blooming creative industry. The ASEAN Business channel focuses on Raffles role as an educational provider and its contribution towards the growth of Indonesia’s outstanding creative and design economy.

The creative industries with-in the ASEAN region are soundly driven with cultural diversity, and Indonesia is constantly innovating creative ideas and approaches by offering blends of vital cultural value. Indonesia’s creative industry has been progressing at a good pace for the past five years, and with the influence of social media where the public have critical engagement, they are starting to develop a solid appreciation and understanding of the importance for the creative and design industry.

This opens up opportunities for the public to engage in and recognize the importance of these creative works. With the Indonesian government launching a creative hub, this allows creative practitioners to promote their ideas, products and services and further more creates vital opportunities for local talents to enrich and engage international markets and simultaneously increase the creative economy in Indonesia.

Raffles intentions and objectives are in line with the government’s efforts in growing the digital economy, and by supporting and collaborating with industrial partners; this enhances the teaching and learning experience which provides our graduates from Raffles an active point of entry advantage in terms of exposure and knowledge.


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